Graduate Students
Our lab is affiliated with the following departments/graduate programs at UMN:
- Division of Basic & Translational Research, Department of Surgery
- BioTechnology Institute; Microbial Engineering Graduate Program (MicE)
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICB) graduate program
- Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology (MICaB) graduate program
Prospective graduate students are always welcome and should apply through the programs listed above.
Undergraduate Students
We are currently accepting new undergrads. Our undergrads contribute to and take ownership of their own research projects. It is expected that all undergrads will earn authorship on at least one publication resulting from their work in the lab, although most are on at least 2-3. Undergrads should expect to spend at least two semesters doing research in the lab. Freshman and sophomores are highly encouraged. If you are interested, please email your CV and statement of research interest to Chris [cmstaley@umn.edu].
Our lab is also participating in the Minnesota Biomedical Undergrad Research Program, run through the MICaB program, for first-generation students.
We are always happy to help investigators at UMN initiate or continue microbiome research, providing core microbiome analytics services in collaboration. Investigators interested in microbiome research should contact Chris [cmstaley@umn.edu]. No experience necessary!
Job Opportunities
We are not currently hiring. Please check back regarding future job openings.